Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mumbai Massacre

This was the Thursday morning, and I woke up with the news in the Hindi daily "new faces of terror" I don't understand what actually going on here,

I switched the television and what I am watching was the one of the terrible things that no one wants to see ever, terrorist has captured three centers, first The Taj, which I have seen only in photographs and in movies, The Oberoi-Trident and, the last Nariman house. Whole day the commandos and police were doing operations, to tackle out the terrorists, and the gunshot was easily listened every minute.

All the T.V channels were broadcasting it live and full of these thing on every channels no other news were aired for the three days, from morning it was evening and than night comes still there was terrorists inside and finally on Sunday we got the news that all the places are now under commandos.

This was the delight for the media, to broadcast it live for the flat 50 hours non-stop. Every channels want to show that they are the best.

This the one of big attacks in many ways-

Never a five star hotels, or luxury hotels weren't attacked in the past.

In many causalities were happen to Foreigners.

This was really the massacre to the mumbaikars.

Those were killed most of them were VIP's.

The aftermaths of Mumbai attacks was that three big ministers have to lost their post.

Indian government need to learn from these kind attacks, securities is not only for politicians it is also for common man.

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