Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tales from the Corridor

I m home while writing this articles about the corridor, now you will ask why corridor, well corridor because lot of time is spend in the corridor after attending the classes and canteen.
There are well plenty of characters in the corridor well start from myself badridude and my roomie Amit, apart from that there are more, so the story is that one of the funny character is ballia who always has some story about relationships with men or women he always had a story to share with us, very good storyteller infact, the other thing is potential(potassh) as they called it, it also represent a gang of guys, those guys and specially those who cover up themselves. Apart from these, there are some who are contained in themselves, they don't care about others what others are doing wouldn't effect them at all.
The story will follow in the coming blogs.. so keep patience!

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